My Method Is No Method
Painting for me always begins with some kind of vision—a starting place that I see in my mind. Apart from getting me into the studio, this vision has no lasting life span, as the application of materials and my instincts take over. Each painting takes on its own direction.
Presently I am involved in 4-5 distinct series, ranging along the spectrum of recognizable form (landscape, figure) to complete abstraction. I often utilize a variety of mediums on a range of surfaces. There is an investigation of illusory space, alternating perspective and figure/ground relationships. Degrees of transparency and opacity are also of great interest.
My process has evolved over time to where I truly value “accidents” and welcome the element of chance. The language of gestural mark-making builds a composition that captures some essential part of me. My method is no method.
Necromancer, 2020, Latex, Acrylic, Pastel and Pigments Sticks on Newsprint collaged onto Canvas, 48” x 75”,